luxuryus Support program

In underdeveloped areas of East Africa, many people walk on the sand without shoes all year round because they cannot afford shoes.
This results in a local parasitic insect called a sand flea entering the human body through exposed skin!

The feet of patients with sand flea will first become red and swollen, then turn black and ulcerate. The condition is very scary and in serious cases life-threatening.
This disease requires maintaining environmental hygiene and preventing it by wearing shoes that wrap your feet. Parasitic disease experts say that if a 2 mm sand flea enters the body and sucks blood for nutrients, it can eventually grow to 12 mm and lay hundreds of eggs. The excreted toxins cause the surrounding tissue to become dry and riddled with holes.

To this end, volunteers from all over the world collect old shoes locally, clean and disinfect them, and then send them to affected areas.

In Uganda and Zambia, governments have begun calling attention to the issue of children's shoes. As much as possible, avoid letting children walk around barefoot.In Uganda and Zambia, governments have begun calling attention to the issue of children's shoes. As much as possible, avoid letting children walk around barefoot.

luxuryus has participated in this charity project. For every pair of shoes sold, it will support the charity organization "onefoundation" with US$2.65. Funds will be used to purchase medicines to treat sand flea, international logistics freight for used shoes, and other public welfare expenditures